What is Early Head Start – CCP?
Seton Hill Child Services has been a sub-recipient of Early Head Start -CCP funds through the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center (COTRAIC) since 2015.
Replicates the model of Early Head Start detailed above within the following components:
- Federally-funded program for low–income infants and toddlers, ages birth to 36 months.
- 28 Center-based slots, up to 10 hours per day, five days per week, year round.
- Experiences and environments enhance children’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development.
- Develops and supports the building blocks of skill development and cognitive learning to enhance the path to school readiness.
- Supports parents’ efforts to fulfill their parental roles.
- Helps parents move toward self-sufficiency.
- Offered at Greensburg, Jeannette and New Kensington sites as well as Laurel Valley Elementary and RK Mellon Elementary schools through a partnership with Ligonier Valley School District.