School Readiness with SHCS
Seton Hill Child Services, Inc. has established School Readiness goals for Infant/Toddlers and Preschoolers within our programs. SHCS School Readiness goals are reviewed yearly. You can download our readiness goals here for a more detailed explanation.
*Parents/guardians are encouraged to be involved in the School Readiness process and planning for their child.
School Readiness with Westmoreland County
Our teachers at SHCS are members of the United Way Transition Teams, which include 17 Westmoreland County School Districts. Each team meets and creates a plan to carry out quality activities for children transitioning to kindergarten. Please see your teacher for the transition activities. Parents are welcome to participate in the transition team meetings and our February Family Night that is directly related to transitioning for School Readiness.
For information on the school district in which you reside, please follow this like to the Westmoreland Intermediate Unit where you will find a listing of all the Westmoreland County School Districts.
Why is Transitioning So Important?
Transition is changing from one stage to another. Transitioning young children is a learning process, it means adjusting to a new environment, learning a new set of rules and behaviors, and adjusting to new playmates and teachers. For families it is learning and adjusting to new policies, meeting with teachers, and sharing information about their children. With the teachers, the families will develop ways to help their children transition as smooth as possible.